Os Princípios Básicos de Sul de Minas

Its a good read for personal and general growth. According to the title, "Think a little, change a lot", it tells us to get things done rather than just thinking about them all the time. Because actions should speaks louder than words and thoughts.

An absolutely cracking read. While some books would be happy to dismiss things like the self-help industry without any kind of evidence, this book provides case studies and details of all sorts of psychological tests. Reading this book really made me feel validated, as I've long suspected some of the things in this book to be true, and now there is some evidence to suggest that I might not have been crazy all this time! ...more flag 2 likes · Like

Each chapter of Wiseman's book addresses a separate realm of self-help, from parenting to relationships to happiness. Each chapter includes some debunking of self-help dogma based on scientific research into the truth of self-help claims.

Even if you don't really need a lot of alteration to your life - maybe you're as happy as happy can be - it's still a fascinating look into how our mids work, and the different ways that they can be hacked.

There are too many pseudo-science 'self-help' guides out there, and unfortunately too many people falling for their mumbo-jumbo made-up guidance. This book plugs the gap in the Infirmações de Poços de Caldas market for those of us who recognise the value of self-improvement but demand 'how do you know?

Instead of going home Poços de Caldas oficial where you'll get stuck into your daily routine it's much easier to go to a different place where you don't have any routine, sit down and practice the exercises given here.

It's an idea that sounds like it should work, but it doesn't, and that's what Wiseman has collected in this book. Wiseman is a psychologist from the UK, and he has a particular interest not only in the science of self-help, but also magic, optical illusions and the paranormal.

Speaking as a former cognitive psychologist, I take issue with the interpretation of some of the results. But speaking as a former cognitive psychologist, this is the best self-help book I've read in a long, long time - and I've read a lot of 'em.

Плот­ный, на­сы­щен­ный ко­фе с шо­ко­лад­ны­ми от­тен­ка­ми и силь­ным те­лом.

Each section begins with a discussion of the relevant research into the subject at hand and ends with practical suggestions for how to make use of the findings to improve your own life.

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This book also debunks urban myths (such as the Mozart effect) and replaces it with tips that are backed by plenty of research. Throw away all your self-help books and rea The only self-help book you need. Seriously.

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